Bo asked the audience, "If I were to give you a tool that can solve all your problems in the world but given the fact that this tool may harm or endanger you and your family , will you take it? will you use it? "
The audience responded "Of course not!"
Hmmm, what about you? What can be your most likely answer? Perhaps like me and the rest you would also agree right? What's the good of solving all my problems in the world if it would do something bad for me and my loved ones in return?
Then Bo asked again the audience, "Okay, so what about if I were to give you this car? ...."
"Will you take it and use it?"
Wow!!! The audience cried "of course!! sure!!" Most probably you have never seen nor rode a car this cool and nice in your entire life? We do not even know if it has the same controls as your ordinary car, but who cares? We like it! Its cool and you would of course be really popular among your friends especially the girls haha. Then he asked again, "Why? Isn't it that cars can also be a threat to your life? It may also harm and endanger you and others who will ride it with you? So why do you take the risk knowing those facts?" Someone answered "It won't harm me coz I know how to drive? And I drive safely, I follow traffic signs and have discipline on the road"
Exactly !!! So going back to the first question, what if you know how to use those tools too? Perhaps you would also consider using them right? What's the difference between the tools and the car? The key here my friends is Knowledge and Discipline. If you know the "HOWs" and follow them correctly, in spite of the risks at hand, you know you can minimize them by being careful. And that is what we call FEAR. The fear of losing, the fear of failure, the fear of not achieving your plans and goals. But if you know how to win? What will you do? Makes a big difference agree?
The same goes with investment, many of us FEAR investment because we do not know much about it. Most people thought that it is only for the rich, those who have extra money to spend, we think that it is like gambling. Well come to think about it, everything in this world has risks, nothing is free, there's always a consequence for every situation, in every game there are winners and losers. It depends how good the player is. It is natural for us humans not to take interest in something we do not know or have no idea what good it has to give. But like the story above, if we know how to properly invest, what to do and what not to do, to drive safely and follow regulations, then for sure it will also be a good choice to use investment just like the fancy car.
So what are you waiting for my dear readers. We are encouraging you to enter the world of investing, know how to start and build your wealth properly. The time to invest is now! Spend your time wisely, study and familiarize yourself with financial literacy and discover how money can work for you. Finally I would like to end this post by giving FEAR two acronyms:
Let all the Juan's be wealthy !!!
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We look forward to doing business with you ... God Bless and Happy Investing !!!
Mac & Luz Bernardez
International Marketing Group
Field Leaders / Truly Rich Makers / Team Bernardez
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